Um ein Hotel zu buchen, schreiben Sie uns eine Email an . Bitte nennen Sie folgende Angaben: Vorname, Name, Handynummer, Datum und Dauer des Aufenthalts, Hotel und Zimmerart, Anzahl der Personen.
Call us +380984492525, +380635379606 or contact us by skype: inlviv
Als Fahrservice bieten wir an, Sie mit dem Auto vom Flughafen oder Bahnhof abzuholen.
Hotel "NTON" hosts its visitors since January 2001. It is located in vicinity of downtown, 3 km from Central Railway Station, 6 km from the airport and 8 km from bus station "Lviv". Hotel offers 76 modern comfortable rooms with all necessary conveniences, restaurant services, Health Club, free Wi-Fi, 4 conference rooms and VIP- meeting room which will easily fit from 30 up to 150 people. There can be organized conferences, seminars, banquets and other standard and solemn events.
All Rooms are equipped with:
- TV
- telephone
- refrigerator
- air-conditioning and heating
- stationary hairdryer
- сonvenient bathroom with shower
- mini-toiletries
- board for luggage
Standard rooms:
Rooms are equipped with: TV, telephone, refrigerator, air conditioning and heating, internet connection, stationary hairdryer, сonvenient bathroom with shower, mini-toiletries, cupboard for luggage.
Improved rooms:
Rooms are equipped with: TV, telephone, refrigerator, air conditioning and heating, internet connection, stationary hairdryer, сonvenient bathroom with shower, mini-toiletries, cupboard for luggage.
Rooms are equipped with: TV, telephone, refrigerator, air conditioning and heating, internet connection, stationary hairdryer, сonvenient bathroom with shower, mini-toiletries, cupboard for luggage, two rooms.
Rooms are equipped with: TV, telephone, refrigerator, safe, air conditioning and heating, internet connection, stationary hairdryer, bathrobe and slippers, сonvenient bathroom with shower, mini-toiletries, cupboard for luggage, two rooms.